
Embracing the uncertainty of our futures: From reforming to transforming education - oplæg på CeFU-konference

På CeFUs conference d. 30. maj lægger Scherto R. Gill, forskningsprofessor og direktør for Global Humanity for Peace Institute, University of Wales Trinity St. David, vejen forbi. 

Om sit oplæg fortæller hun:
“In the wake of UNESCO's Futures of Education Initiative, the discourse is ablaze with debates on reforms. Whilst equal access, inclusion, mental health, environmental and digital literacy are widely acknowledged, educators still yearn for more clarity on paths towards profound transformation. In this presentation, I draw on my extended research and explore what it means to be educated, what kinds of future/s are desirable and how education can be the foundation for flourishing futures. In doing so, I outline an emergent new educational paradigm and cutting-edge practices of teaching and learning in the 21st century.”

Lagt online 16.05.2024 af Maria Jelonek

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