MA in history and international developmental studies and a Ph.D. in youth research from Roskilde University.
Field of work and position of trust:
I am in charge of the daily management of the Centre for Youth Research along with Noemi Katznelson, who is centre director of CeFU.
Besides that, I work as a researcher and project manager on several studies focusing on young people, body- and lifestyle areas and I manage a variety of positions of trust, including:
- Editor of the Center of Youth Research's publication 'Ungdomsliv' (Youth Life) published at Aalborg Universitetsforlag
- Danish leader of "Men, Masculinities and Gender Equality. Exploring Masculine Subjectivities at the Margins", a Nordic research network supported by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond in Sweden
- Boardmember at NEMM - Netværk for forskning om mænd og maskuliniteter (Network for research about men and masculinities), a national research network supported by NIKK - Nordisk Information för kundskap om kön (Nordic Information of knowledge about gender), Olso University
Field of research:
I mainly research young people, bodies and lifestyles. I am especially interested in how the changes in these relationships correspond to altered gender relations among young people, and which consequences these alterations have in the well-being of young girls and boys.
More concretely, my research consists of the following:
- Youth
- Youth culture
- The developmental creation of culture among young people
- Well-being
- Urban life/Rural life
- Gender
3 Interesting Publications:
- Nielsen, J.C., Sørensen, N.U., Katznelson, N. & Lindstrøm, M.D. (2010): Den svære ungdom. 10 eksperter om unges trivsel og mistrivsel. (The difficult youth. 10 Experts on the well-being and failure to thrive among young people) København: Hans Reitzels Forlag
- Sørensen, N.U. & Nielsen, J.C. (2014): 'Et helt normalt perfekt selv. Konstruktion af selvet i unges beretninger om mistrivsel'. (A completely normal, perfect self. The construction of the self in young people's accounts on failures to thrive) DANSK SOCIOLOGI • Nr. 1/25. årg. 2014 9
Nielsen, L.Y. & Sørensen, N.U: Unge i kunst- og kulturprojekter - Unges perspektiver på deltagelse i modelforsøg om ungekultur. (Young people in art and cultural projects. Young perspectives on participations in experiments on youth culture) København: Kulturstyrelsen