
Mette Stigaard Stenkjær

Mette Stigaard StenkjærMette Stigaard Stenkjær, Research Coordinator

Department of Culture and Learning
Aalborg University
Campus Copenhagen
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV

Tel: (+45) 2029 4629


MA in Psychology, Pedagogy and Educational Studies from Roskilde University.


Research coordinator and research assistant.

As research coordinator at the Centre for Youth Research, I work with the centre's daily administration, operation and strategic development, just as I, in collaboration with the Centre's management coordinate internal and external research projects.

I am responsible for communication with members and Board of Directors of the Association Centre for Youth Research, and I function as coordinator and executor of the association's member conferences, as well as internal and external conferences and events.

Combined with my role as a research coordinator, I work as a research assistant and thus contribute regularly to the Centre's current research projects.

Field of research:

As a researcher, I deal primarily with issues concerning:

  • Support for marginalized and / or vulnerable young people enrolled in education
  • Young people and completion of education
  • Young people enrolled in vocational education
  • Young people's well-being and failure to thrive during their education

Kontakt forsker

Mette Stigaard Stenkjær
Telefon: (+45) 2249 2826

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