
Louise Dånge

Louise DångeLouise Dånge, Postdoc

Department of Culture and Learning
Aalborg University
Campus Copenhagen
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV

Tel: +45 40755662

(Birth name: Buhl Andersen)

PhD, Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University
Cand.scient.anth, Anthropology, Copenhagen University
BSc Anthropology and Sociology, Durham University

Field of research/work:
Since 2009, I have conducted qualitative- and multi method research in different cultural and geographical contexts in Denmark, UK, Kenya and Zimbabwe. The focal point of my research has always been youth studies in relation to various areas including health inequalities, HIV/AIDS, home-based care, pre-diabetes, asylum- and integration, resettlement, democratic participation and deliberation. Through these projects, I have designed, conducted, analysed and disseminated qualitative and multi-method research in close collaboration with interdisciplinary and international research teams. I have particularly good experience with qualitative research including ethnographic, participatory methods and creative methods. Recently, I have particularly interested in the relation between young people’s mental health and well-being - and their connection with nature. Since 2023, I am an active member of Green Societies at Aalborg University. I have disseminated research findings at all levels to a wide audience including academics, political ministries, practitioners and local communities. I have managed an international multi-method research project at the London School of Economics (UK), as well as run an NGO for nine years, supporting Kenyan youth through education. It is important to me that my research is application-oriented and has great societal relevance.

Current project(s):
I am currently working as a postdoc on the SINCRONY, which as an interdisciplinary European research project, focusing on young people in marginalized positions' access to democratic participation and deliberation. The project combines extensive mapping of inequality-producing factors, with concrete practice-based testing and development of methods to promote more equal access to democratic participation in youth education and in local communities.

SINCRONY – Unges lige adgang til demokratisk deltagelse

SINCRONY er et tværeuropæisk forskningsprojekt, som har til formål at sikre, at unge der oplever social udsathed og forskellige former for marginalisering – intersektionalitet - får meningsfuld adgang til deliberative og participatoriske demokratiske processer. Projektet kombinerer omfattende kortlægninger af ulighedsproducerende faktorer, med konkrete praksisbaserede afprøvninger og udviklinger af metoder til fremme af mere lige adgang til demokratisk deltagelse på ungdomsuddannelser og i lokalsamfund.

Kontakt forsker

Louise Dånge
Telefon: (+45) 40755662

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