
Katrine Vraa Justenborg

Katrine Vraa JustenborgKatrine Vraa Justenborg, PhD student

Department of Culture and Learning
Aalborg University
Campus Copenhagen
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV


A master’s degree in learning and innovation change from Aalborg University (AAU) and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Aarhus University (AU).

Field of work: 
I am currently in the process of completing my PhD project, which focuses on the health and well-being of Danish students in Primary and Secondary schools. The project aims to explore the students’ perspectives on, and negotiations of, health and well-being. The main objectives of the project are to combine sociological theory and methods related to the body to gain a comprehensive understanding of these aspects within a school setting.

The project follows a sequential design and utilise ethnographic fieldwork, survey data, and focus group interviews. Theoretically, the theoretically grounded in a Bourdieusian framework, while also drawing inspiration from feminism (including Judith Butler and Beverley Skeggs), sensory theory (such as Sarah Pink), sociological health research (e.g., Kristian Larsen and Chris Shilling), and perspectives from youth studies.

Niels Ulrik Sørensen (AAU) is the main supervisor, and Kristian Larsen (KU), Maria Christina Secher Schmidt (KP), and Jan Thorhauge Frederiksen (KU) are co-supervisors.

Field of research:
Well-being, health socialisation, social class, school, gender, embodied practices and mixed methods.

Evaluering af Kombineret Ungdomsuddannelse, Undervisningsministeriet

Evalueringsprojekt, der har til formål at evaluere Kombineret Ungdomsuddannelse (KUU), som er en toårig uddannelse for unge, der ikke har forudsætninger for at gennemføre en erhvervsuddannelse eller en gymnasial ungdomsuddannelse.

P.hd.-projekt: Sundhedssocialisering hos danske folkeskoleelever

I dag mistrives mere end 30 % af eleverne i den danske folkeskole, og derfor er der behov for viden om, hvordan folkeskolen påvirker elevers sundhed. Med sit ph.d.-projekt undersøger Katrine Vraa Justenborg sundhedssocialisering hos danske folkeskoleelever i 5., 7. og 9. klasser ved brug af mixed methods (kvantitative og kvalitative metoder).

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