
Emma Søndergaard Thomsen

Emma Søndergaard ThomsenEmma Søndergaard Thomsen, Research assistant

Department of Culture and Learning
Aalborg University
Campus Copenhagen
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV


Master’s degree in Educational Science from Aarhus University

Field of Work:
I have a broad interest in youth life and education, with a particular focus on students in vocational education and training (VET). My main interest lies in understanding dropout and completion processes, including the access and participation opportunities students encounter in VET.

Ongoing Projects:
I am affiliated with the projects “How Does It Make Sense to Be Young in VET?”—a research project focused on young people under 25 years old and their experiences with vocational education and training—and “Professional Formation and Increased Completion Rates at SOSU H”, where we examine various students' dropout and completion processes over time at SOSU H.

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