
Arnt Vestergaard Louw

Arnt Vestergaard LouwArnt Vestergaard Louw, Associate Professor and Ph.D.

Department of Culture and Learning
Aalborg University
Campus Copenhagen
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV

Tel: (+45) 3195 4530

MA in Pedagogy and Educational Studies and Psychology, Roskilde University 2005

Ph.D. from the Department of Education (DPU), University of Aarhus in 2013 with the thesis: "Entrance and access to vocational education. Analysis of carpentry students' opportunities and challenges in the encounter with the trade, teachers and pedagogical practices in the introductory course".

Field of research and interests:
My key skills are: Youth, education, vocational training and general upper secondary education, didactics, bildung and work life learning.

I am particularly interested in investigating and understanding learning, education and professional development as it occurs and develop in the meeting between students and teachers/instructors under the framework and conditions created by the school and the workplace. In addition, I am concerned with giving young people and students a voice in research and work with various methods to engage and privilege young people's own perspectives and experiences. I am also particularly interested in didactic perspectives on how to organize learning processes in the tension between goal and objective management.

  • Young people's motivation and desire to learn
  • Young people's encounter with education
  • Education Planning and didactic
  • Bildung and professional pride
  • Education policy

3 Interesting publications:

  • Mahler, Anne, Thomsen, E. S. & Louw, A. (2023). Frafald, fastholdelse og gennemførsel på erhvervsuddannelserne. Et reviewstudie af, hvad vi i en dansk kontekst ved om frafald, fastholdelse og gennemførsel af unge elever på erhvervsuddannelserne 2011 til 2023. [Dropout, retention and completion at VET. A reviewstudie on what knowledge in a Danish context about dropout, retention and completion of young VET students 2011-2023}. Center for Viden om Erhvervsuddannelserne.
  • Nielsen, K. T. P., Louw, A. & Katznelson, N. (2021). Plads til at lære – på lærepladsen. Dannelse i mødet mellem unge og arbejdsmarkedet. [Room to learn in apprenticeships. Bildung in the encounter between young people and the labour market]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag.
  • Louw, A. & Katznelson, N. (2018). Karakterbogen. Om karakterer, læring og elevstrategier i en præstationskultur. [The grade Book. On grades, learning and student strategies in a performance culture]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag.

See which recearch projects I am currently working on under ‘'Igangværende projekter'.

External positions:

  • Member of the Coop Crew following group
  • Member of Dialogue Forum for VET
  • Editor: Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training (NJVET)
  • Member of VET Business network
  • Member of the steering committee for Nordic Network for VET Research (NordYrk)

Kontakt forsker

Arnt Vestergaard Louw
Telefon: (+45) 31 95 45 30

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